Photo of Fredrik Heintz

Fredrik Heintz

Professor, Head of Division, Head of Unit

Professor Fredrik Heintz is Head of the Division of Artificial Intelligence and Integrated Systems (AIICS), and
leads the Reasoning and Learning unit (REAL) at the Department of Computer and Information Science (IDA).

Trustworthy artificial intelligence, autonomous systems and stream reasoning

Dr. Fredrik Heintz is Professor of Computer Science. His research focus is artificial intelligence especially Trustworthy AI, autonomous systems, stream reasoning and the intersection between knowledge representation and machine learning.

He leads the Reasoning and Learning lab within the Division of Artificial Intelligence and Integrated Systems (AIICS) in the Department of Computer Science (IDA). 

Fredrik Heintz is

He is also very active in education activities both at the university level and in promoting AI, computer science and computational thinking in primary, secondary and professional education. 

CV in brief

University degrees and PhD’s

  • Professor, Computer Science, September 2021, Linköping University, Sweden
  • Docent, Computer Science, January 2014. Linköping University, Sweden
  • Ph.D., Computer Science, March 2009. Linköping University, Sweden
  • M.S., Computer Science, April 2000. Linköping University, Sweden

Visiting fellowships and postdoc positions

  • Guest researcher, Dep. of Communication and Media. Aug 2019 – Jun 2020. Lund University.
  • Visiting postdoc to Professor Michael Beetz and the Intelligent Autonomous Systems Group. June 2009. Munich Technical University, Germany.

Supervision of students and post-docs

Supervisor postdoc

  • Jose Luis Lima (KAW), 2021-
  • Resmi Ramachandranpillai (ELLIIT), 2021-

Main supervisor PhD Students

  • Daniel de Leng (CUGS), PhD dec 2019
  • Mattias Tiger (WASP), 2015-
  • Fredrik Präntare (WASP), 2017-
  • Johan Källström (WASP/Saab), 2018-
  • David Bergström (KAW), 2020-
  • Md Fahim Sikder (KAW), 2020-
  • Erik Nikko (WASP/Saab), 2020-
  • Dennis Malmgren (WASP/Saab), 2021

Co-supervisor PhD Students

  • Katarina Sperling (LiU/IBL), 2020-
  • Katarzyna Söderlund (WASP-HS/LU), 2020-
  • Kashyap Haresamudram (WASP-HS/LU), 2020-
  • Marie Francisco (LiU/TEMA), 2021-
  • David Landén, Lic 2011

Prizes and Awards

  • Best student paper award to his PhD student Fredrik Präntare for their paper Hybrid Dynamic Programming for Simultaneous Coalition Structure Generation and Assignment, 2020.
  • Prize for outstanding teaching effort, Linköping University, 2019.
  • Best paper award Tunable Dynamics in Agent-Based Simulation using Multi-Objective Rein-forcement Learning at Adaptive and Learning Agents Workshop, 2019.
  • Best student paper award to his PhD student Fredrik Präntare for their paper An Anytime Algo-rithm for Simultaneous Coalition Structure Generation and Assignment, 2018.
  • Best experience reports and tools paper award for Computational Thinking for All - An Experi-ence Report on Scaling up Teaching Computational Thinking to All Students in a Major City in Sweden at the ACM Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education (SIGCSE), 2018.



Hugo-Henrik Hachem, Fredrik Heintz (2024) Where is the reflexive 'I' in the Elements of AI? International Journal of Lifelong Education (Article in journal) Continue to DOI
Per Nilsen, David Sundemo, Fredrik Heintz, Margit Neher, Jens Nygren, Petra Svedberg, Lena Petersson (2024) Towards evidence-based practice 2.0: leveraging artificial intelligence in healthcare Frontiers in Health Services, Vol. 4, Article 1368030 (Article, review/survey) Continue to DOI
Emil Wiman, Ludvig Widén, Mattias Tiger, Fredrik Heintz (2024) Autonomous 3D Exploration in Large-Scale Environments with Dynamic Obstacles 2024 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), p. 2389-2395 (Conference paper) Continue to DOI
Emil Wiman, Ludvig Widén, Mattias Tiger, Fredrik Heintz (2024) Autonomous 3D Exploration in Large-Scale Environments with Dynamic Obstacles
Katarina Sperling, Carl-Johan Stenberg, Cormac Mcgrath, Anna Akerfeldt, Fredrik Heintz, Linnéa Stenliden (2024) In search of artificial intelligence (AI) literacy in teacher education: A scoping review COMPUTERS AND EDUCATION OPEN, Vol. 6, Article 100169 (Article, review/survey) Continue to DOI

News about Fredrik Heintz

An AI look into the future

Humming supercomputers, robot dogs on rescue missions and plenty of future opportunities with AI and the research programmes WASP and WISE. Prime Minister Ulf Kristersson got many impressions from his visit to Linköping University.

Collaboration between humans and AI - focus for conference

In November 2024, the Japanese-European EJEA conference will come to Sweden and, for the first time, to Linköping University. The conference's theme is future knowledge and competence for AI-driven innovation in Europe and Japan.

Demo of autonomous vehicle in Visionen.

ISY Day 2024 – AI in Society, Education, and Research

This year’s edition of ISY Day offered lectures, discussions, and demonstrations within this year's theme "AI in Society, Education, and Research". A theme that is both current and highly relevant at the Department of Electrical Engineering.

Projects in research and education

Research environments

About the division

Colleagues at AIICS

About the department